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I offer
individual compassion focussed therapy
group analytic psychotherapy
individual & group supervision
supervision of supervision
team reflective practice
compassion focussed staff support
clinical supervision of CFT
bespoke professional services
I have worked in mental health services in the NHS for more than 30 years and I have a private practice based in Birmingham, UK; but I mostly work online these days.
I am a full member of the Institute of Group Analysis and am registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy as a therapist and approved supervisor.
I've completed the Compassionate Mind Foundation Supervisor training
I am happy to offer a free initial zoom consultation (30 mins) if you feel this would be helpful

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death."
Anais Nin

Why group?
​"In an individualizing, fast-moving, competitive world, group analysis challenges us to slow down, to sit and feel and think in the company of others. It often makes us confront questions of power, envy and inequality, as the group grapples with the injuries of living in an unjust world. It offers us the opportunity to explore what it means to belong, and to not-belong, and to develop new ways of being and relating. It can be a deeply moving and transformative experience, both for those who have previous experience of psychotherapy and counselling and those who are coming to therapy for the first time." (Prof. Sasha Roseneil)
Why just for therapists and health & social care professionals?
I am increasingly aware of the need for self compassion and the impact of moral injury. I also believe we are often constrained by our own shame and self-criticism and by the projections we elicit in others. Also, we know we “can use work - to stop feeling lonely, to feel clever, kind, creative, special and loved and cared for.” (Libby Nugent, @becomingethical)
The group provides the container and the medium in which we can find both challenge and support, become more aware of the unconscious and allow ourselves to shift between, and explore new ways, of being in the world.
“Group Analytic psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy by the group, of the group, including its conductor.
Group analysis aims to achieve a healthier integration of the individual in their network of relationships.
Group analytic psychotherapy may be helpful to those who:
· Have problems in their relationships with others.
· Are isolated and find it difficult to make and maintain relationships.
· Suffer from anxiety, depression and other emotional difficulties.
· Suffer from work related stress.
· Need help in coming to terms with painful and traumatic events in their lives
· Lack self-confidence and self-esteem.
· Feel overwhelmed with life and unable to cope.
· Have difficulty in dealing with feelings of guilt, shame, frustration and anger, or experience a loss of meaning in their lives.
· Want to change unfulfilling aspects of their lives.
· Are interested in personal development and in developing their own creativity.”
Cost: £30.00 per group 1.5 hours 3 groups running:
Tuesday 07.30 -09.00; Wednesday 18.00 - 19.30; Thursday 07.30 - 09.00 (UK time)
Although I do offer long term individual psychodynamic psychotherapy, I am heavily influenced by the theory and practice of compassion focussed therapy.
This therapy emphasizes the importance of applying compassion – for the self, for your loved ones, and for strangers – for living a healthy and happy life.
What is compassion?
When people hear the word compassion, they tend to think of kindness. But scientific study has found the core of compassion to be courage.
A standard definition of compassion is, "a sensitivity to suffering in self and others with a commitment to try to alleviate and prevent it."
For a variety of reasons, many of us find that we develop a negative, self-critical part of our thinking.
The task in working with self-criticism can focus on the value of compassion, developing a compassionate mind - to feel kindness, forgiveness and acceptance for ourselves.
The courage to be compassionate lies in the willingness to see into the nature and causes of suffering - be that in ourselves, in others and the human condition.
Compassion is one of the most important declarations of strength and courage known to humanity. It is difficult and powerful, infectious and influential. It is a universally recognised motivation with the ability to change the world.
Cost: £75 per 50 minute session

"No mud ...
no Lotus."
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